Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thanksgiving Break


Hope this post finds you all doing well.  As we have reached our Thanksgiving break, I wanted to update all of you on some information:

1. PLEASE keep checking your child's Student Planner every night.  Continue to use it as a starter for conversations of what happened at school for that day.  In addition, please have the students clean out their home folders nightly as scored work can be found there.

2. Multiplication "timed tests" have gone very well lately!  Starting the Monday we get back from break, we will change over to testing ALL facts up to 10x10.  The students have already mastered the majority of the facts, so there's only about 7-8 facts left to learn.  Please assist them in any way possible to learn those last few, and we will continue to track our progress.

3. Book Orders are due 11/30. I know it's a fast turn around, but I want to make sure I have them delivered by winter break so the students have some great reading on hand! 

4. Thank you for your continued support and trust.  Have a great, relaxing, well-earned break with your families!