Thursday, October 18, 2012

Math Multiplication Resources...

Hopefully by now you should have heard your student talk about the Multiplication tests we have been taking in class.  Up until Thanksgiving break, we will continue to test over only the "easy facts" which include x0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10.  This is any problem involving one of these numbers as a factor (so yes, 8x4=32 is included)!  Well, I know how frustrating it is to find resources to help your child improve their speed and accuracy with these facts.  Here's a couple of links that might help you out:

1.  The actual timed tests I use in class can be found at this link:
      -Scroll down to the last section that says CUSTOM MADE and find the section with factors 1-5 (with a range 1-10 as the other factor). 
      -Print off the tests and set a timer (even on the microwave) for 3 minutes and see how far they can get!

2. Here's a link to this game Math Magician we play as a class on a regular basis.  They can click on a specific fact family until they master it:

3. Here's a link to my old website with a few other games.  Unfortunately, these games should really only be played once they master all their facts up to 10x10:

4.  Go to the Dollar Store and buy X Flashcards.  Use the cards any way you see fit (drill style, come up with a game, set up incentives, make a "mastered" pile and a "work on" pile, etc).