Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Solar System Project

Solar System project!
The other day all of the information needed for their solar system project came home for you to read through. Tomorrow, Wednesday, September 26th, topic form is due. October 15th, the project is due. I stressed to them that it is important to get started right away and not wait until the last minute. The project is a major part of their science grade for first quarter, it is really important that your child completes this on their own to the best of their ability. It is a big project but it is also very interesting, so have FUN!!!  We talked about ways to make the project their own (instead of you, the parent, doing all the work).  Please know their grade will be based WAYYYYYY more on their knowledge/facts/resource vs. "cuteness."  I am hoping to do a little research with the students in the computer lab, but we can't get in there until next week.  I appreciate the support and the holding-back from doing the project for them, but rather making this an educational research based project!

Other news:

-Please continue to remind your student to check on the Moon.  I know it's hard to find sometimes, but you can find the phases online as well just by "googling" moon phases calendar.

-The class party will be THIS Friday, despite what the note said, which EVERY student so "kindly" let me know :)  I'm excited to relax on Friday afternoon!

-The Field Trip is still scheduled on October 3rd and all volunteers have been selected and notified.  If you were chosen and can NOT make it, please email me ASAP. 

Sorry for the VERY LONG first post, but hopefully it's successful!