Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Book Fair and "Office Hours"


Tonight, the school Book Fair will be opened until at least 7:00.  As indicated on a previous note, I will be in the building until 6:00.  Originally, I hoped to be here until 7:00, but that is no longer possible.  If you want to stop in and say hi or touch base about anything, feel free to drop in before 6:00.  However, unless I let you know previously, I have no new concerns pertaining to your child.  Have a great night...and I'm still working on rescheduling our Class Night Out to Luigi's for sometime in April.  Enjoy your Spring Break!

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Golf Night CANCELLED!!!


Unfortunately, I received an email at 1:45 AM this morning stating that Planet Fun will be unable to host our golf night tonight due to foreclosure issues 😒.  I am really upset as it is normally the night I most look forward to during the school year!  I will try to figure out some other event we can participate in later in the year at a different location.  I am so sorry to those of you who adjusted plans to make this night possible, only for it to not work out :(

Monday, March 4, 2019

Classroom Updates


Here's a few updates for everyone on this very brisk Monday (That Groundhog is such a fraud!):

1)  GOLF NIGHT IS TOMORROW (TUESDAY) AT 5:30.  Please look for the note I am sending home today for more details.  Even if you didn't sign up, you are still welcome to come!!!

2)  Also coming home tonight there is a note concerning Spring "conferences."  Those of you receiving notes that say I am not requesting a conference, you're all set.  If you do get a note that says we need a conference, I'll be contacting you shortly to set up a time.

3)  Book Orders.  The new book orders are coming home today and will be due March 14th in hopes of getting the books delivered before Spring Break. 

4)  IAR/PARCC Tests.  The state-wide tests start next week.  We test Math the 11th-15th and Reading the 18th-22nd.  The tests will be on Chromebooks for the 1st time, so we'll just hope it all goes smoothly :). 

5)  Please keep encouraging positive work habits at home such as practicing multiplication facts, reading a book, and working on MobyMax.